Design by Hannah Design by Hannah

Behind the Scenes of a Self-Employed Mama

I’d love to open this post with “My life runs on coffee & Jesus!” but honestly, the coffee wouldn’t even work if it weren’t for the Lord so really, it’s just Him! LOL I wanted to share a little about life this quarter! Thanks for reading and feel free to reach out anytime!

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Design by Hannah Design by Hannah

Robot Mom

Wow! It’s been a long time since I’ve wrote in blog format but I am becoming quite tired of the micro content that social media platforms have to offer. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy being a consumer of it but I don’t as much enjoy sharing my own heart in such limited characters.

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Design by Hannah Design by Hannah

105 Natural Ways To Beat Anxiety

If you’ve been searching for natural ways calm your anxiety, this list was created for you!

For the past year I have been struggling with daily anxiety, both mentally and physically. After a lot of hard self-work I’ve found 105 natural ways to help soothe my mind and body during times of anxiety.

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Design by Hannah Design by Hannah

Balance, Boundaries, Community, and Dreaming

I could write a book about all that I learned at the Radiant Retreat last weekend. It was truly one of the most beneficial things I have ever done for myself personally and for my business.

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Design by Hannah Design by Hannah

4 Steps to Help Bounce Back from Burnout

Burnout occurs when we've pushed ourselves to the max for way too long, it's kind of like driving your car 10,000 miles past an oil change. It's important to be able to recognize Burnout because when you don't know that your experiencing it it's even more frustrating when you know something is wrong with you but don't know what it is.

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Design by Hannah Design by Hannah

Beating the "Something Good, then Something Bad" Cycle

Lately, each morning my alarm goes off it's like I'm peeking out of one eye with the covers still half over my head before my feet hit the ground. "What will today bring this time?" - I ponder in fear, while my dogs stare at me with intense hunger in their eyes.

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Design by Hannah Design by Hannah

The Number One Attribute that will Guarantee You Success

Research states that the number one attribute people look for in any kind of relationship is Trust - without it, there is no solid foundation to start the relationship on. I have found, for the past 15 years, that Trust is the most important attribute that has made my career life successful.

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Design by Hannah Design by Hannah

This is Me.

Every morning I spend a good amount of time looking at my face in the mirror as I apply my make up. I don’t pay much attention to the woman in the mirror as I am just following a routine, like lines in a coloring book. The other morning, for the first time in a long time, I actually caught a glance into my own eyes and a thought came to my mind - most of the passions in my life have been fueled in the result of tragedy.

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