Balance, Boundaries, Community, and Dreaming


Happy Thursday morning everyone! It is currently 7:17am as I am writing to you. I am currently waiting on my *first* cup of coffee to really get this balling rolling!  You might have noticed things look a little different around here 👀...don't worry, you're not crazy, things are-a-changin'. But more on that later...

This past weekend I was honored to be apart of the Radiant Retreat here in Nashville, TN that was hosted by the incredible (funny, smart, articulate, beautiful) Kelsey Chapman -- and WOW, was it the time of my life! Over the weekend I hung out with some of the coolest ladies that I have ever met. We spent two full days dreaming together, growing together, and learning (oh, so) much together. (Ps, I love you and miss you all a ton!!)

Today I wanted to share just a couple of the key things that I took away from the retreat. Short & sweet. 

Balance = Boundaries (presentation by Meredith Boggs) *she was AMAZING.* Meredith talked about the true meaning of self-care and how the word "balance" can be a hard word for many of us to digest. Setting boundaries (knowing when to say no, holding space for my top priorities on my schedule, etc.) has always been a very hard task for me. When Meredith spoke about how Balance is having boundaries it really resonated with me and gave me clarity on really marrying those two words together Balance = Boundaries, Boundaries = Balance. 

Community - The importance of having a community of people that will dream with you, grow with you, and give you feedback is life changing. I don't believe we were created to do things alone. Having community around that truly believe in you and push you to do big & great things...well..there's no better feeling than that!

Dream - It's too easy to let our minds get bogged down by the pressure of life and what we "think" we "should" be doing. In one of our exercises over the weekend we had to write down 50 dreams - big or small, it didn't matter. I couldn't remember the last time I took 10 minutes to just dream, and man, did it make a world of difference. I found dreams inside of me that I didn't even know were there!

I could write a book about all that I learned at the Radiant Retreat last weekend. It was truly one of the most beneficial things I have ever done for myself personally and for my business. <3 

If you're feeling stuck, uninspired, or like an alien from another planet (yes, that was me. I thought "There's no way there are other ppl who have a crazy dreaming brain like mine!") I encourage you to find a community of dreamers, whether that's a group of friends, colleagues, or someone you've always wanted to reach out to. Community is something truly beautiful that we can all grow from and help take each other to new heights. 

Wishing you a day filled with happy thoughts & positivity, 



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